The Human Resources Department in our company has a mission of creating an environment in which the employees can work more effectively and efficiently; it is based on the fields of recruitment, performance evaluation based on competencies and goals, satisfaction and job satisfaction, planning training according to the requirements of the position and competencies, career planning, compensation, social responsibility and arrangement of social activities.
Performance Management System: The development areas are identified through the assessment of employee's professional, behavioral, and managerial competencies; and in the light of this information, training needs and individual career paths are determined.
Career Planning: The career path of each position within the company is determined and the information is openly shared with the employees with regard to the qualifications and competencies that lead to promotion and the time period for the promotion.
Wages: In accordance with the changing conditions of today, it is important for us to make the distribution of the right wage to the right position by taking into account the internal balances and the market conditions. Bonus distribution for achieving the predetermined targets is also included in our benefits.
Social Responsibility Projects and Activities: In addition to organizing our traditional activities, we aim to enter different areas with our social responsibility projects by increasing our contributions through donations made on behalf of the employees on our employees' special days.